Girls And Women Have the Right to Be #EqualEverywhere.

We’re proud to partner with the United Nations Foundation and their advocates around the world to ensure girls and women are afforded the same rights and opportunities as boys and men.

Learn About Gender Equality in the Workplace.

Committing to Equality.

Fewer than 1% of leading global financial institutions have achieved gender parity

Representation is inspiration. We need more women leaders to pave the way for future generation.

Leading From the Top.

Women currently lead only 23 Global 500 companies

Twenty twenty-one saw significant progress, but there is more work to be done.

Filling in the Gaps.

Women make up only 16% of board members in the top 500 companies (by market capital) and 12% in the technology sector.

Professions are not gender specific. Let’s make sure more seats in more sectors are available to women.

Visit United Nations Foundation.